Green Coffee Bean Extract as a Weight Loss Supplement

Posted by Vitamyna on

Obesity has been increasing rapidly in recent years and now has become a public health problem in the word [1]. Obesity is defined as excess accumulation of body fat and is known as a low grade inflammation condition [2]. Obesity, not only affect the body image and self-esteem but also it is associated with increased risk for numerous chronic diseases, including hypertension, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease [3,4]. Therefore, it is important to find a safe and effective way to manage body weight especially in obese patients. Weight management is a long-standing goal of achieving a healthy life that is including healthy eating and physical activity to maintain a balance between intake and energy consumption [1]. However, several strategies have been used to treat obesity and its related complications. Behavioural therapy, surgery and drug therapy are the most usual treatment of obesity [5]. Since human diets contain many different components that may act synergistically to prevent or promote overweight and obesity, studying the components of the diet may be an informative strategy to assess their efficacy and underlying mechanisms [3].

Recently, issues of high costs and potential adverse effects of most weight loss drugs have led obese patients to try nutraceuticals that may cause weight loss [6,7]. Coffee is one of the most commonly consumed beverages in the world that its beneficial effects on human health have been a subject of many studies [8-12]. One of the common traditional forms of coffee is green coffee extract (GCE) that prepared from green or raw (unroasted) coffee been. It is also present in roasted coffee, but much of the GCE is destroyed during the roasting process [13]. GCE has been introduced as the richest sources of cholorogenic acid [13-16] and most of weight losing effects of GCE has proposed to be related to its cholorogenic acid content [17]. Cholorogenic acid (CGA) is a natural chemical compound which is the ester of caffeic acid and quinic acid. It is an important biosynthetic intermediate [13]. Cholorogenic acid is an important intermediate in lignin biosynthesis. This compound, known as an antioxidant, may also slow the release of glucose into the bloodstream after a meal [17]. Isomers of cholorogenic acid are found in potatoes [18] and cholorogenic acid is the most abundant phenolic acid in the flesh of eggplant fruits [19]. It is also found in prunes [20] but the richest source of cholorogenic acid is green coffee bean extract [13]. Therefore, the objective of this paper was to review the results of the studies assessing the efficacy of GCE as a weight loss supplement. 

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